In this section you can find out information regarding Our School Day, Absence Procedures, Illness & Medication, School Lunches and Support Agencies.
Our School Day
Nursery Sessions: 8.30am – 11.30am / 12.05pm – 3.05pm (Doors open at 8.30am)
Reception: 8.45am – 12.00noon (lunchtime) 1.00pm – 3.15pm
Key Stage 1: 8.45am – 12.00noon (lunchtime) 1.00pm – 3.15pm
Key Stage 2: 8.45am – 12.00noon (lunchtime) 1.00pm – 3.15pm
Doors open at 8.40am ready for lessons to start promptly at 8.45am
The TP
Before and After School Club: 7.30am – 8.45am and 3.15pm-5.30pm
(see full details under Before and After School Care)
Absence Procedures
If your child is unwell and is absent from school we ask parents/carers to notify us before 9.00am on each day of absence. As a matter of safety, at Tynsel Parkes if we have not heard why a child is absent, we make a telephone call home to establish the child’s whereabouts and/or if they are unwell.
Illness and Medication
Please see below charts relating to common illness and recommended time period for absence. We hope you find them useful.
Further information about Public Health Exclusions in education can be found on the Government Public Health Website
Rashes & Skin Infection |
Recommended period to be kept away from school |
Comments |
Chicken Pox |
At least five days from onset of rash |
Hand, Foot & Mouth |
None |
Measles |
Four days from onset of rash |
Preventable by immunisation |
German Measles |
Five days from onset of rash |
Preventable by immunisation |
Ringworm |
Exclusion not usually required |
Treatment is required |
Scabies |
Child can return after 1st treatment |
Impetigo |
Until lesions are crusted or healed,
or 48 hours after starting treatment |
Antibiotic treatment speeds healing and reduces the infectious period |
Slapped Cheek/Fifth Disease |
None (once rash has developed) |
Antibiotic treatment speeds healing and reduces the infectious period |
Vomiting Illness |
Recommended period to be kept away from school |
Comments |
Diarrhoea and or Vomiting |
48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting |
Repiratory Infections |
Recommended period to be kept away from school |
Comments |
Flu (influenza) |
Until recovered |
Whooping Cough |
Two days from starting antibiotic treatment, or
21 days from onset of symptoms if no antibiotics |
Preventable by vaccination |
COVID-19 |
Recommended period to be kept away from school |
Comments |
Coronavirus |
Child should not attend if they have a high temperature and are unwell
If a child has a positive test result they should not attend school for three days after the day of the test |
Child with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, and headache who are otherwise well can attend |
Other Infections |
Recommended period to be kept away from school |
Comments |
Conjuntivitus |
None |
Glandular Fever |
None |
Headlice |
None |
Treatment is recommended in cases where live lice have been seen |
Mumps |
Five days after onset of swelling |
Preventable by vaccination |
Threadworms |
None |
Treatment is recommended |
Tonsillitis |
None |
There are many causes but most cases are due to viruses and do not need an antibiotic |
NHS Information - Should I keep my child off school
Winter infections in children – guidance for parents/guardians
Medicines are administered in school, for short term prescriptions. The medicine box or bottle must clearly states the child’s on the prescription and dose. Parents need to sign the correct documents in school before it can be administered to children.
If it is a long term medicine that the children require for an ongoing medical condition a care plan with be written.
Should your child require an inhaler whilst attending the academy, please come into school and complete an Inhaler consent and Child Asthma Action Plan form.
Medical Appointments
Where ever possible, please arrange for medical appointments to be made out of school hours.
School lunches
Our school lunches are prepared and cooked on site.
Under the Government Universal Free School Meals Initiative, meals are free for all children in Reception Class up to and including Year 2.
For children in Year 3 and Year 4 the cost of school meal is £2.87 per day.
For children in Nursery the cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day.
For school lunch menus please look at our Spring Menu.
or look on the Dolce website for the Choice Menu

To check eligibility to claim for free school meals or to apply for free school meals online click on the link below
School breaktime
Milk and fruit is available for Nursery children.
Fruit is available for Reception, Years 1 and 2.
Parents are welcome to provide a healthy snack for their children’s morning break. Please do not send your child to school with products containing nuts due to allergies within our school community.
Water is available throughout the school day for all children
Support agencies
The Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support (SCAS) office is open from 8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am -4.30pm Friday. Please call 0300 111 8007 and select option 1 or to report a concern via email,
Renew Church Food Bank
Helplines, Apps and Website to support parents
Helplines,Apps and Websites if you need help now